Batticalo Road Mutur, 3CD Junction
Mon-Sat: 07:00 - 17:00
January 15, 2021 36 Comments

Sarah from Denmark

Two incredible months at Peace centre Sarah Johns Nielsen from Denmark For approximately two years ago, I was 19 years old and had just finished the danish version of high school. I knew I wanted to take a break from school, and I knew I wanted to explore the world. To do that, I had to earn quite a lot of money, so I got a job and worked for half a year. Up until my travels to Asia I had only visited western countries, and I felt an urge to explore the eastern side of the globe. I wanted to widen my perspective on the world and the people who lived in it, and it became clear to me, that the best way to do that was to get a close and very concentrated experience with locals. That let me to consider doing voluntary work. My way to Peace centre in Mutur was through the danish organisation Global contact. I had heard of it from friends, and as I looked through their website, I quickly decided that I wanted to volunteer in Sri Lanka. On their website, they described Sri Lanka as a beautiful country where tourism hadn’t yet taken roots, and to me that sounded like the perfect way to get an authentic and honest view of an – to me – unknown culture. In February 2019 I sat in a bus from Kandy to Mutur with my two danish travel partners. I was excited and nervous at...

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ERC (Educational Resource Center), Mutur, July 2016. Presentation day of Professional English course. Judit Godall.
December 28, 2020 0 Comments

Judit From Spain

Hello everyone! I'm Judit, a spanish volunteer who stayed in the magnificent Peace Center from June 2016 to November 2016, six months which I will never forget! I was working as an English teacher in 3CD office and in ERC (a local 5 minutes' bicycle ride from peace center). In 3CD, I gave English lessons to university students: I started having around 15 students, and I ended up having my 6 lovely university students. In ERC, I offered evening English lessons to adults, working men. I focused on increasing their speaking skills with both groups, we had so much fun! When I had my holidays, I enjoyed going outside Mutur to visit new places in Sri Lanka: I was a usual citizen in Trincomalee ( Koneswara temple is a must) , in Nilaveli and Marble beach. I also went to Arugam bay, and I did several trips to central SCI residence in Kandy ( getting to know Blue Rose is another must :) ) However, what I liked the most was to stay in Mutur, my second home away from home: I enjoyed getting to know the people from Mutur, going to buy vegetables near Mutur town, talking to Mr.Buhari when he was around... There was so much to see and do in Mutur, if you had your mind and your heart open. My volunteering work at Peace Center was one of the happiest experiences in my life, I learned so much from Mutur people, their way of living and...

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December 24, 2020 0 Comments

Minna From Finland

Not a single day have I regretted my decision to join SCI:s volunteer project "Peace Center project". I applied for Peace Center project taking place in Sri Lanka in a small village 'Mutur'. The only thing I knew about my project beforehands was that I was going to teach English in local schools and additionally organize some afternoon and evening classes at Peace Center. My expectations were met, and beyond. Not only I had a chance to teach local children in schools and local young adults at Peace Center, but also I got to join another project for poor widow mothers with the goal of providing them training modules about "how to support your child's education". My coordinator and all the members of SCI are very flexible and willing to adjust volunteer projects according to volunteers' wishes and abilities. As I am an undergraduate university student in psychology, I had a great opportunity to practice useful skills with the widow's project and also share some of my psychological knowledge. I got to visit some of the widow's families and interview them, prepare for training materials together with local staff or volunteers and happily before my volunteer time ended, I got to attend the first training session with all the widow mothers. That time we noticed that long time research and preparing of the modules was definitely worth it: the widows were very happy about the workshop and wished for more such programs. Mo-Fri: 8:30 am 2 hours morning classes at...

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January 17, 2019 11 Comments

Poldi Galmes López From Catalonia

Hi there lovely people! If you’re reading this, you might have discovered one of the most welcoming and peaceful places in Sri Lanka. My name is Poldi, I was born in Catalonia and right after finishing my university studies, I decided to throw myself into an international volunteering project. This is how I coincided with the 3CD organization and its wonderful place. I lived in the Peace Center for 6 months. It is a large house with a large dining room where classes were held in the mornings for children with special needs. The house was located in the middle of the area known as the "rice mill", formerly a land dedicated to rice cultivation, but which after the 2004 tsunami was used so that NGOs could build houses for families more affected. I still remember the first day I arrived at the Peace Center and the reception and welcome given to me by Buhari. A tall man with a wise look but with a very youthful spirit, very up to date with international news and with a long experience with volunteers. His main role was to find the position and function that suited the best for each volunteer based on their qualities and skills. Somehow like the magic hat of Harry Potter. My idea for the 3CD English classes going on, was to try to encourage a non-violent culture based on peace through group dynamics and other activities, but the multiethnicity and the coexistence of religions of the community...

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